Cacoo allows you to easily create various types of charts by inputting data or importing data from Excel/CSV or Google Drive. 

Note: Please keep in mind that this article discusses the new chart features released in May, 2022. If your current chart is a legacy chart version, please migrate it to the new chart version in order to edit it or use the new chart settings.



Types of charts

How to add charts

Chart data

3.1  Input data

3.1.1  Import data 

3.1.2  Manual input

3.2  Chart data table settings

Inline-editing of chart

4.1  Chart legend

4.2  Chart header, axis title, and label editing

Chart settings & style

5.1  Chart settings panel 

5.2  Other style settings

Migrate legacy chart to new chart version

Types of charts

Cacoo supports up to 7 different charts (types listed from top left to bottom). 

  • Bar
  • Grouped bar
  • Area
  • Grouped area
  • Line
  • Pie
  • Donut

How to add charts

To add a new chart, click on the Charts icon from the tool menu, and select a chart type. A sample chart will reflect on your diagram sheet.

Chart data

More data can be entered into the data table to populate the chart.

Input data

To add chart data, you can import them or manually enter into the data table. 

Import data

If you have the chart data saved on CSV, Excel, or Google Drive, you can easily import them into Cacoo. 

Import via Excel/CSV

To import from Excel/CSV:

  1. Click on the chart and select the Data table icon from the editor menu. 
  2. Chart data table will display at the bottom. 
  3. Select import icon > Excel/CSV.
  4. Select a file or drag and drop it onto the import pop-up screen. Select Import


Import via Google Drive

  1. Click on the chart and select the Data table icon from the editor menu. 
  2. Chart data table will display at the bottom.
  3. Select import icon > Google Drive.
  4. Log in to your Google Account if you haven’t logged in and allow Cacoo access to your Google Account.
  5. Select a file listed from your Google Drive.


Note: You can only import spreadsheets from Google Drive.


Manual input

Besides importing your existing data, you can manually enter the chart data into the table.

  1. Click on the chart and select the Data table icon from the editor menu. 
  2. Chart data table will display at the bottom.
  3. Double click on the cells to input/edit the data. 


Chart data table settings

You can easily manage a few settings on the chart data table. 






Add row/column

To add a row or column in the data table


Switch rows and columns data

To switch rows and columns data on the chart


Hide/unhide data 

To hide or unhide data populate on the chart


Reorder rows/columns

To reorder rows or columns, click on the row or column title and drag to reorder.  


Right-click on the row/column title and select the following: 

Insert column left/right

Insert row above/below

Clear row/column

Delete row/column

To insert an additional column on the left or right of the selected column. 

To insert an additional row above or below the selected row

To clear the row/column data

To delete the selected row or column. 



To cut/copy the cell data and paste it on the selected cell. Right-click on the data cell and click the desired option. 



To close the chart data table. 


Inline-editing of chart

Besides editing the chart from the chart table settings, you can edit the chart directly.

Chart legend

The chart legend aids in explaining the chart data. Most of the chart legends show the names and colors of each data series to help readers understand how they are represented.

Reference number




Series name

To edit the series name, double click on the name to edit the text. 


Series color

To edit the series color, click on the color box. 


Legend placement

To change the placement of the legend to the left, right, top or bottom of the chart.
Click on the legend area and select one of the placement options. 


Chart header, axis title, and label editing

To edit the chart header or axis title, double click on the text box on the chart. You can also change their text style such as font, font size, text color, bold, etc.  


The font style of the x-axis and y-axis values (e.g. 01/02, 02/02, 0, 5, 10, etc.) can be changed by selecting them and using the editor menu. However, the x-axis and y-axis values are not editable directly on the chart; they are displayed according to the chart data table and chart settings.

Chart settings & style

The chart settings and style of different charts will vary depending on the individual chart types. Below is a summary of the chart settings in the Cacoo editor. 

Chart settings panel

  1. Click on the chart and select the Chart Settings icon from the editor menu. 
  2. Chart settings panel will display on the right side.

Summary of the chart settings with their functions. 



Chart types

To change the current chart to other chart types

Color palette

To change the data color range displayed on the chart

Background color

To hide or change the chart's background color. 

X-axis / Y-axis
- Title, Value & Axis

To enable or disable the x-axis or y-axis.
- To hide or unhide the axis title, value, or axis line. 


To set the minimum/maximum range of the value reflected on the chart labels. 


To hide or unhide the chart header.


To hide or unhide the chart’s background grid.


To hide or unhide the legend. 


Other style settings

Besides the chart settings, you can find other chart style settings on the chart editor menu. Each style setting may differ based on the chart type


Reference number




Corner radius

To edit the corner radius of the bar chart. The higher the number, the more curved the chart’s corner. 


Smooth line

To make the chart line smoother.



To plot the data point values on the line chart. 


Value labels

To display labels for the point values on the chart. 


More options

To access other functions related to the chart as a diagram element. You can also access the functions by right-clicking on the chart.


Migrate legacy chart to new chart version

If you are using a legacy chart version, please note that legacy charts are not editable after the chart update in May 2022. To edit your legacy chart, please migrate your chart to the new chart version. 

To migrate, double-click on the legacy chart, and the “Migrate as new Chart” panel will prompt on the right side. Select the Migrate my chart button to migrate to the new chart version. 

The “Keep copy of legacy chart” setting will be checked by default. This setting allows you to keep your current legacy chart as a copy while the migration process creates a new chart on top of it. You can move the new chart around and compare it with the legacy chart. As long as the legacy chart is kept, you can always migrate it to the new chart version.  

If the “Keep copy of legacy chart” setting is unchecked, the migration process will create a new chart and remove the legacy chart. You can undo this operation by pressing “CTRL+Z / Command+Z”, or select the Back to legacy link in the chart settings panel. 

Note: The Back to legacy link is only displayed after the migration process. It will not be available the next time if you reload or close the diagram.
If the “Keep copy of legacy chart” setting is checked, the Back to legacy link will not be displayed after the migration process.